Thursday, 27 December 2018


Hello Dear ,
I got your contact from an online European business directory as a reputable industrialist with high integrity. I have a proposition that I think will be of great interest to you. I am the personal assistant of a major opposition leader in South East African Regional country).
The main reason for contacting you is to propose a business cooperation that will be of mutual benefit to both of us and requiring absolute trust and total confidentiality. To get down to brass tacks, we need you to accommodate a large volume of funds for investment into your industrial sector or any other viable sector in your country.
We need a foreigner without any prior link to our country for this task for security reasons. Of course you will be handsomely rewarded for your efforts as well. If you are interested in this proposition, kindly respond back to me so I can give you further details and what is required for our trust. We will also negotiate an appropriate compensation for your efforts.
Yours faithfully
Mobarak Abdelhfiz
Tel:+31 685681291
Email: mobarakabdelhfizmd@dsecsurreserverfinance.websit

Friday, 7 December 2018

Magento Services at an Affordable Price!!

Hope you are having a great day!
This side Aaloka Singh, email marketing manager of India's leading Magento designing and development IT firm. Since our inception in 2014, we have been appreciated in this domain due to our vast expertise in our core domain i.e. Magento. Backed by a team of certified Magento developers, we have delivered 200+ designing, development, redevelopment and advanced features integration related projects based on Magento. Our firm is considered as the well-known off-shore Magento eCommerce store development organization owing to our ability to design high-end Magento eCommerce Stores from the scratch.
If you want to get a makeover of your existing eCommerce store or you want to develop a new eCommerce store for your business, we are always there to employ our earned expertise and advanced skills into your Magento eCommerce store so that you can enjoy the success of your business beyond leap and bounds. It is just our professionalism and result-oriented approach that have helped us to gain various repeated service requests from our past clients. So you can be assured that you project is in the hands of a professional Magento development firm.
Some of our offered services are:
1)     Magento Store Designing from Scratch.
2)     Magento Store Development Services.
3)     Re-Designing of Existing Magento Store.
4)     Advanced features Development and Integration in existing Magento Store.
5)     Migration of Existing eCommerce Store (Yahoo/Abaco/WooCommerce/Joomla) to Magento.
Please let me know if you are interested in any of our offered services. As per your response, I will schedule one of our expert Magento Solution Specialists with you to initiate further communications from our official email id.
  • Being an off-shore service provider, we ensure you that you will get the best competitive quote for your Magento projects.
  • If you want to have a look at our portfolio, just shoot us an email. We would be happy to showcase you the best of our works.
Looking forward to your positive response.
Thanks and Regards,
Aaloka Singh
Marketing Manager

Saturday, 24 November 2018

Fastbase A/S: Harvard Business Report: How top marketers turn digital insights into customer value

New Software turn digital insights into customer value
Harvard Business Report: How top marketers turn digital insights into customer value
24.11.2018 09:18 | Fastbase A/S

New Software turn digital insights into customer value

What does it take to reach just the right customer in just the right moment? How are global brands using machine learning to help shoppers make informed decisions? How will increased expectations for data privacy transform digital marketing? These are the questions leading marketers face every day as they connect with their audiences. Luckily, those same leaders are happy to share their insights as they work through their challenges. In "Data-Driven Marketing," a Harvard Business Review Insight Center report sponsored by Google, you'll get a collection of more than 25 articles that offer a snapshot of how marketers use insights to improve their strategies. Find out how consumer insights help adidas deliver "premium, connected and personalized" consumer experiences-and business growth. And learn more about Google's joint research with Bain & Company. A key takeaway? Thirty-nine percent of global marketers said that improved understanding and reaching the right customers was most important for achieving their marketing goals in the next three years. No wonder they're looking to get time on their side.
If you want to understand how leading marketers are looking to the future, download "Data-Driven Marketing," a Harvard Business Review Insights Center report sponsored by Google. 

New Software turn digital insights into customer value
The software company, Fastbase, has just released a beta version of its new tool that can identify what companies are searching for on Google. Fastbase has developed a popular extension to Google Analytics that analyzes more than 1.5 billion website visits each week. This useful information can give both digital marketing and SEO agencies new opportunities to improve their online campaigns and generate even more leads for their agency and their clients. The tool, named "Google InMarket Leads", allows users to view the companies searching for any brand, product, or service online in nearly real-time. This helps digital marketing agencies to better understand which keywords attract the best leads. Digital marketing agencies can access the new tool and get the first 100 leads for free by signing in with Google Analytics account.  
Prices per lead varies and are calculated by the same principle as Google ads, depending on keywords and search periods, starting at around $20 per lead. The new InMarket Leads can be found at Google InMarket leads.

Om Fastbase A/S
Fastbase A/S
Gamle Carlsberg Vej 16
2500 Valby, Denmark

+45 20 30 06 06
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Friday, 23 November 2018

Fastbase A/S: New Software identifies what businesses are searching for on Google

New Software identifies what businesses are searching for on Google
23.11.2018 10:20 | Fastbase A/S

The software company, Fastbase, has just released a beta version of its new tool that can identify what companies are searching for on Google. Fastbase has developed a popular extension to Google Analytics that analyzes more than 1.5 billion website visits each week. This useful information can give both digital marketing and SEO agencies new opportunities to improve their online campaigns and generate even more leads for their agency and their clients. The tool, named "Google InMarket Leads", allows users to view the companies searching for any brand, product, or service online in nearly real-time. This helps digital marketing agencies to better understand which keywords attract the best leads. 

What Information does Google InMarket Leads provide?

Google InMarket Leads allows users to search by keywords, location, and the time period the search was performed. The tool then generates detailed information about the companies that have made the searches, including company name, address, website, industry, phone number, key employee names, email addresses, and more. 

Digital marketing agencies can access the new tool and get the first 100 leads for free by signing in with their Google Analytics account. 

Prices per lead varies and are calculated by the same principle as Google ads, depending on keywords and search periods, starting at around $20 per lead. The new InMarket Leads can be found at

Om Fastbase A/S
Fastbase A/S
Gamle Carlsberg Vej 16
2500 Valby, Denmark

+45 20 30 06 06
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Læs pressemeddelelsen på Via Ritzau
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Friday, 2 November 2018

Join the Illuminati Brotherhood

Greetings from the Illuminati order, Join the Illuminati Brotherhood for
fame, knowledge, wealth and powers.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Re:unlimited webmail/fresh email list/https cpanel

Hi there,

please check my below updated bulk mailing tools list,

Skype ID live:smtptools_1

ICQ UIN 722 606 219


Plan 1: Unlimited SMTP server + Turbo Mailer + admin RDP/Price: $155/Monthly


Plan 2: Unlimited web-based SMTP/Price:$175/Monthly


Plan 3: Supmer mailer + admin RDP + 5 SMTP rotate/price: $255/Monthly


Plan 4: Unlimited SMTP server/Price: $99/Monthly


Plan 5: Unlimited webmail 

Roundcube webmail (bcc up to 1000 emails)price: $135/Monthly

Zimbra webmail (bcc up to 1000 emails)price: $155/Monthly


Plan 6: spam and scan friendly Admin RDP/price: $45/Monthly

Location avaiable: China/Hongkong/Malaysia/USA/Romania


Plan 7: SMTP Mail Cracker/price: $65 with lifetime license


Plan 8: Email Sorter and Email list manager/price: $135 with lifetime license


Plan 9:business/CEO & CFO email leads

1- business company email leads: $35 per 100k

2- CEO & CFO email leads: $50 per 100k 


Plan 10: bulletproof cpanel/WHM Price: $55/Monthly

host any page/ignore any reports/create unlimited cpanel accounts


Plan 11: email extractor/price: $155 with lifetime license


Plan 12:email verifier/price $135 with lifetime license 


Payment we accept:

1- Perfect Money

2- Bitcoin

3- Western Union

4- Money Gram

5- Bank T/T


online marketing info & tech

Add: No 354 Hongxiang Road, Ouhai district, Wenzhou city, Zhejiang Province, China

Skype id live:smtptools_1

ICQ UIN 722 606 219















Saturday, 14 April 2018

Análisis DAFO de Proyecto Educativo



- En el PEC habría que añadir:
Ø       Señas de identidad (Ya existe la contextualización)
Ø       Apartado de “Líneas de actuación pedagógica” (Contexto normativo y se pueden incluir aquí  “finalidades educativas” y objetivos generales.)
Ø       Apartado de “Objetivos para la mejora del rendimiento escolar.”
Ø       ROF: Reglamento de Organización y funcionamiento, Plan de Acción Tutorial y Plan de formación del profesorado, además de Planes y programas en los que el centro participa de forma estable
Ø       En el apartado de “Criterios generales para la elaboración de las programaciones didácticas. concreción, coordinación y tratamiento transversal de los contenidos curriculares” hay que actualizar la normativa vigente sobre el currículum.
Ø       Objetivos distinguiendo preferentemente entre objetivos de ámbito pedagógico (objetivos educativos y de aprendizaje y objetivos metodológicos)  y de ámbito institucional (obj. De ámbito administrativo.)
Ø       Actualizar Plan de Atención a la diversidad conforme a la normativa  y currículo vigente.
Ø       Actualizar Plan de Convivencia, Proyecto TIC y Proyecto Bilingüe.
- Para el enriquecimiento de la identidad pedagógica del centro también se podrían añadir:
Ø       Principios con los que se identifica la actividad docente en “Líneas de actuación pedagógica.”

- Las obras de restauración del edificio actual que empezarán en un año aproximadamente y de duración indeterminada pueden influir negativamente en la consecución de objetivos de organización de recursos del centro.
- Que el Proyecto Educativo no sea compartido o asumido por toda la comunidad educativa , especialmente por la mayoría del profesorado.
- Falta de implicación y motivación de profesorado con poca estabilidad en el centro o de edad avanzada.
- Hay un buen punto de partida sólido sobre unas finalidades y una identidad de centro muy claras y estables  que sólo hay que enfatizar, definir y/o describir con más detalle.
- El PEC recoge  la constitución de una Comisión de patrimonio donde se incluyen sus competencias, y las  actuaciones y medidas relacionadas con la conservación, difusión y uso didáctico del patrimonio educativo del centro.
- Se han actualizado los procedimientos y criterios de evaluación, promoción del alumnado y titulación del alumnado conforme a la normativa actual vigente.
- Se ha actualizado parcialmente el apartado de “Coordinación y concreción de los contenidos curriculares, así como el tratamiento transversal en las materias o módulos de la educación en valores y otras enseñanzas, integrando la igualdad de género como un objetivo primordial” conforme a la normativa y currículo vigente aunque hay que añadir todo lo relativo a la organización pedagógica..

- La comisión de patrimonio supone un elemento importante en la identidad de centro con muchas posibilidades en el proceso de lograr las finalidades y objetivos generales
- En el proceso de actualización del PEC el alumnado y las familias podrían integrarse y participar más, por ejemplo haciendo sugerencias y aportaciones procedentes de los alumnos/as a través de la delegación de alumnos y también procedentes de padres y madres a través del AMPA y de sus representantes en el consejo escolar. Teniendo en cuenta el interés de las familias de nuestro centro por la educación podrían implicarse en contenidos del PEC especialmente relacionados con la relación del centro con su entorno como los planes de comunicación externa y de convivencia.

Curso tutorizado: “El desarrollo de la función directiva”.

Las amenazas y oportunidades se han considerado como factores de origen externo.
Las fortalezas y debilidades se han considerado factores de origen interno.